Flow 5 recognizes changes in saturation, color, size, and format. Duplicates can be rotated, blurred, cropped, or text-added versions of the original image.
Use our AI model to analyze image pixels instead of file metadata.
Perform a full scan of your complete database to identify all duplicates and take action.
Check whether new images already exist in your platform before adding them. Keep your database clean and a single source of truth.
Implement different actions to manage duplicates depending on your use case.
Prevent users uploading duplicate images by rejecting the upload before indexing.
Associate existing duplicates to each other by automatically linking to the other version.
Merge two duplicate documents into one to have all information stored in one place.
Delete detected duplicates and only retain the original version.
Adapt duplicate scanning to your needs.
Fine-tune the detection sensitivity to either pinpoint exact duplicates or also identify near-duplicates. This ensures Flow caters to your specific needs.
Each potential match comes with a score, denoting the probability of it being an actual duplicate. This score assists in determining the authenticity of the match.
Choose to scan select portions of your collection by applying specific filter criteria. This can be based on parameters like upload dates or designated categories, offering flexibility in the scanning process.
How duplicate detection helps various industries.
Finding near-duplicate images can help identify products that are being sold by multiple vendors, making it easier to manage inventory and ensure product authenticity.
Finding near-duplicate images can help identify copyright violations and protect intellectual property rights for content creators.
Identify fraudulent image uploads (fake listings) on the marketplace by matching them with verified users' images, identify duplicate listings for the same home or property if imported from multiple sources.
Prevent multiple uploads of different users or associate different version of an image. Dedupe existing image collections.
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